
Showing posts from December, 2009

I've been chasing dreams in magazines the last ten years.

I've recently discovered something major. Okay... let me preface this by saying that it's not major, and it's actually really basic, but everyone knows you need a first sentence that's an attention grabber. I've known what I'm about to tell you, on a service level, since I was the age that I grasped such hard concepts as: It's not ever appropriate to do #2 in your pants... and if you accidentally do #1, and you're not already in a pool, find said pool and quickly jump into it so nobody will notice. So, I'm saying that I've known this for at least 3 or 4 years, so don't think that I'm just now thinking of it. But here it is: If I don't do my life the way I want to, or be who I should be, then no one's going to care... no one's going to show up and make me. I used to think my mom would someday magically understand me, and then say that thing that I needed to hear that would make me do the things I needed to do, to be the person ...