
Showing posts from February, 2009

on Death

I just looked at autopsy photos. I don't recommend it... unless you're planning to be a crime scene investigator or something, in which case I wonder about your sanity. I think something's wrong with those people.... Medical examiners too, those people have got to be mentally checked out, or aliens... or both. I think a lot about things that I've found make other people really uncomfortable. I say that only because I have a tendency (as do most people) to talk about what I think about... and people freak out. One such subject is death. I've found that people are kind've superstitious about death. If I tell someone that I love them and hope they have a good life when I leave, and drop a 'just in case I die' they immediately respond with something along the line that I shouldn't talk like that. I'm used to that but lately I've been turning around and asking why? do they think that if I say something like that, it will make it more likely that...



The report of my death was an exaggeration.