All Together Now:

Come On OSU beat OU!!!

...make us believe in the impossible.

we got to start this chant early, maybe by Saturday they'll believe they can.

<-----besides have you seen OSU's QB?^ (wowza)

You must go to Jeff's blog and see the greatest video maybe ever.


  1. Since when in the world are you an a college football fan? and rooting for OSU?

    enlighten me...

  2. been a college football fan since I was in high school and I'm not a OSU fan I'm a Texas fan and it's better for Texas if OSU wins. Hello. Isaac... you know nothing about me, my dear.

  3. woah ho yo's the thing you want to happen.

    You want Texas to humiliate TAMU and win big. Then on Sat. night you want the OU vs. OSU game to be very close but OU to actually win.

    B/c with a 3 way tie...if Texas holds on to the higher BCS standing they will go to the Big 12 championship game.

    If OU wins...Tech automatically go to the Big 12 CG.

    trust me...i'm a bigger college football fan than you think.

  4. i meant is OSU wins...Tech go to the CG

  5. no you are confused my dear I should have been more clear. I'm not a University of Texas fan per se. I'm a the state of Texas fan. and it's better for the state of Texas of OSU wins...
    try not to tell me what I want Isaac it's patronising

  6. Ohhh...ha...but i thought you meant you were a Texas Longhorn fan. that's why i said..."you want."

    my bad.

    well we can replace..."you want" with "i, isaac, want" then. b/c that is true.


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